Storing Social Media Profiles
Top Echelon Recruiting Software can assist you in finding a Candidate or Contact on major social media networks. Once you’ve found the Candidate or Contact, you can store their profile URL in the software for quick and easy access in the future.
To find a person on a social network:
- Navigate to the corresponding person record and locate the Social Media & Links card
- The social media icons will be dimmed if there is no profile URL stored for that platform
- Click the Find on LinkedIn link
- The other platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) will function in the same way
- Top Echelon will open a new tab or window with search results for that person on that specific social network
- Review the results and select the profile of the appropriate Candidate or Contact
- This search will often return multiple results for common names, but most platforms supply you with filters to help locate the correct individual
- Some basic details will be displayed under each person to help you discern whether this result is the person you’re looking for
- Clicking on the person’s name will reroute you to that person’s profile
- Highlight and copy (Ctrl+c for PC / Command+c for Mac) the URL of the profile
- Navigate back to Top Echelon Recruiting Software and click the pencil icon to inline edit the Social Media & Links card
- Paste (Ctrl+v for PC / Command+v for Mac) the profile URL into the corresponding text box and then click the Save button
- After saving, you’ll notice that the corresponding social media icon is now lit and the verbiage of the link has changed to View Profile