Import a List of People or Companies Using Contact Importer
TE Recruit's Contact Importer gives you the ability to import spreadsheets and create new records for People, Companies or a combination of the two.
The Contact Importer has the ability to import .xls, .csv and .xlsx files.
Please note:
- The Contact Importer can only import one spreadsheet at a time
- There is a file size limit of 20MB per file to be uploaded
- Make sure that each record is on a single row within your spreadsheet and that the first row of your file includes headers that label each column
- Each spreadsheet can contain no more than 30,000 rows
- Only one import can be requested at a time
To start a new Contact Import:
- Expand the Sidebar in the top right corner of the software and click on the Settings icon
- Click to expand the Data Management section and then select Contact Importer
- To begin a new import, click the Start an Import button to begin the Import Wizard
- Drag and drop a file or click the Browse button to select the appropriate .xls/.csv/.xlsx file from your hard drive
- Check the appropriate import options to determine whether you are importing a list of People, Companies, or both
- Choose whether or not you would like the import to update existing records if duplicates are found, check the email compliance box after reading through TE Recruit’s Email Policy, and then click the Continue button
- On the Field Mapping screen, you’ll “map” the columns on your spreadsheet into specific fields in TE Recruit
- For example, you probably want the first name column on your spreadsheet to map to the First Name field within the software
- Your spreadsheet columns are listed on the left side of the page
- Click the appropriate Select Field link to the right of each of your columns to identify the field you would like it mapped to within the database
- Click the Continue button once your mapping is complete
- On the next screen, select any fields that you wish to apply to ALL People or ALL Company records in your import
- For example, if you are importing a list of Prospect Companies, you may choose to label them as such via the Type field
- Click the Continue button once you’ve made your selections
- On the final screen of the wizard, review the fields that are mapped for import
- If any are not mapped, and you need to import those, click the Edit People columns, Edit Company columns, or Edit unused columns button
- Click the Run Import button once complete
- This will route you back to the Import list where you should see your new import listed as Pending at the top of the page
- You’ll also see a slide-out notification in the bottom left corner of the page confirming that the import was submitted
- Your import will be entered into the queue and you’ll see a new notification in the top right corner of TE Recruit once the import is complete