Exporting Records to a Spreadsheet

Looking to export a list of People, Companies, or Jobs to a spreadsheet from TE Recruit? This article will walk you through how to do it!

To start an export:

  • Start by navigating to a list of People, Companies, or Job records
  • Using the checkboxes to the left of the record names, select the ones you wish to export
    • Use the top box to select all records in the list, or on that specific page
  • Click to expand the action menu and then select Export to Spreadsheet

  • The Spreadsheet Export wizard will open, where you can begin by selecting the columns you wish to include in your spreadsheet
    • After exporting, your selections here will be remembered for your next export of that given record type
  • After making your selections, click the Next button

  • In step 2, use the icons to the left of each column to left-click, hold, and drag to arrange them in the order you want them to appear in your spreadsheet
    • Columns higher on the list will be displayed first in the spreadsheet
  • Click the Export button when complete

  • Depending on the size of your list, it may take some time to export
    • You’ll see a blue slide-out in the bottom left corner of the screen confirming that the request is being processed

  • You’ll see a new notification in the top right corner of the software once your export is ready to download
    • As soon as the file is available to download, you can access it from the Files & Exports page within Settings, or by simply clicking on the corresponding notification

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