Setting Up a TE Recruit Job Posting Subscription

TE Recruit posts recruiters’ jobs to various job board sites around the Internet through one of the most affordable job posting engines in the industry. Our sponsorship-based relationship with these boards is designed to generate as much traffic and as many high-quality nominations as possible for recruiters.

Jobs can be posted one at a time through this service, or with a monthly subscription.

With a monthly subscription, you can subscribe to a set number of job slots each month. You can take jobs out of your slots and put new ones in, but the number of jobs you have active at any one time will correspond to the number of job slots allowed by your subscription. 

Note: the ability to set up a Job Posting subscription is restricted to only those users that have the proper permissions

To set up a new TE Recruit Job Posting subscription:

  • Expand the Sidebar in the top right corner of the software and click on the Settings icon 
  • Click to expand the Addons & Integrations section and then select Manage Job Posting

  • Click to expand the Monthly Subscription drop-down to select the appropriate package

  • Click the Start Subscription button to confirm your selection
    • You will be charged a prorated rate depending on the day you start your new subscription
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