Posting a Job to LinkedIn Limited Listings

LinkedIn Limited Listings are job posts that create a comprehensive job seeking experience for LinkedIn members. They are visible to candidates actively conducting a job search or viewing a company’s LinkedIn Page.

Certain Limited Listings may be promoted to LinkedIn members through targeted recommendations in the Recommended Jobs feature.

For customers who purchased Job Slots, LinkedIn offers Job Wrapping which copies all jobs published to your career site or jobs’ source and allows job posters to prioritize specific jobs in Job Slots. It requires minimal technical effort and is based on the same technology supporting millions of Limited Listings. Any jobs not placed into a Job Slot will appear as Limited Listings on LinkedIn and on your company’s Page.

To enable posting to LinkedIn Limited Listings

To post your jobs to your LinkedIn Company Profile, you must add your LinkedIn Company Profile ID on the Manage Job Posting page.

  • First, locate and copy your LinkedIn Company ID.  Where do I find my LinkedIn Company ID?
  • Expand the Sidebar in the top right corner of the software and click on the Settings icon
  • Click to expand the Addons & Integrations section and then select Manage Job Posting
    • Please note that you will only have access to this option if you have the proper permissions

    • Paste your LinkedIn Company ID into the corresponding field in the LinkedIn section, then click Save
    • Moving forward, any user on your account that has the proper permissions will be able to post a Job to LinkedIn Limited Listings
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