Network Candidates Overview
The Network Candidates feature allows you to request and receive other TE Network members’ candidates directly through a typical People Search. From there, the candidate owner can easily accept the trading partner’s request and send their candidate directly to the Job’s Pipeline.
In order to appear in Network search results, a candidate record must include the following:
- A current resume
- At least one contact method
- Email address
- Phone number
To request a Network Candidate:
- Start by running a People search
- From the results page, click on the Network Candidates view at the top of the list
- To request an individual candidate, click the Request action to the right of their information
- To request multiple candidates, select the records you wish to request using the checkboxes to the left of each name
- Note: you may only request up to 100 candidates at a time
- Click to expand the action menu at the top of the list
- Then select Request Candidates
To view your pending Network Candidate requests:
- Navigate to People in the Main Navigation Bar and click on the Requests Sent view
- Each line in this view will represent a pending request that has not yet been accepted or declined
To respond to a Network Candidate Request:
- All pending Network Candidate Requests will include a Notification.
- Requests can be handled in one of two ways.
- (1) On the requested Candidate’s Network Activity card, the candidate can be accepted or declined through the Share Candidate or Decline Request links, respectively
- Requests can be handled in one of two ways.
- (2) On the Requests Received view of the People Dashboard, the Request can be accepted or declined through the corresponding icons in the Decision column
To Review a Accepted Network Candidate Share
- All accepted Requests will automatically be added to the Inbox Stage of the corresponding Job’s Pipeline, as well as the Candidate Inbox view on the People Dashboard