Scheduling an Activity

Activities are commonly used to document your completed work throughout the day, but they can also be used to schedule events, follow-ups, or reminders in the future. You can schedule Activities for specific dates or times, or leave the time field open to add it to your task list. All of your scheduled Activities will flow to your Planner where they can be managed day-to-day.

Scheduled Activities with times associated can also be pushed to external calendars via Google integration, Microsoft integration, or iCal sync.

To schedule an Activity:

  • Navigate to a Datasheet, Pipeline or the Planner within TE Recruit.
    • From a Datasheet – locate the Open Activities card and click on the schedule icon

  • From a Pipeline – locate the Log/Schedule column on the right and then click on the schedule icon.

  • From the Planner -click on the schedule icon in the top right corner of the page

  • The Add Scheduled Activity window will open where you can select the appropriate Activity Type, link any Related Records, assign a Priority, schedule it for a specific date and time, and enter any corresponding details
    • For those Activities scheduled with a specific due date and time, you also have the option of adding a Notification
    • Notifications can be applied to these timed Activities as reminders for upcoming events, calls, meetings, etc.
  • Click the Schedule button when complete

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