Candidate Outbox View
Any candidates you or your team have shared to any active Network Job will appear on the People Dashboard‘s Candidate Outbox view. This view includes:
- Candidates you have shared directly to an active Split Job
- Nominations for other members’ active Jobs through your TEN Jobs Feed
- Network Candidate shares to active Split Jobs
To review your active shares:
- Navigate to People in the Main Navigation Bar and click on the Candidate Outbox view
- Each line in this view will represent an individual candidate share
- Candidates may appear in this list more than once if they were shared to multiple Network Jobs
To review recent Network Activity:
- Click to the right of the corresponding Name to expand the Record Preview
- You’ll see the preview window open on the right side of the page, overlapping the current Candidate Outbox list
- Locate the Network Activity card to review any recent Activities logged or scheduled to this shared candidate record
To take action on one or many records in the Candidate Outbox view:
- Select the corresponding records by clicking the checkboxes to the left of the record names
- Click to expand the action icon at the top of the list to take one of the following actions on your selected records: Email, add to a Hotlist, add to a Pipeline, schedule Activities, log Activities, or delete entirely from the database